Animate object : চেতন পদার্থ;
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animate object  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Adjacent to (সন্নিহিত): His house was adjacent to the bridge.
Adorn with(সাজানো/সজ্জিত করা): Adorn the car with flowers.
Angry for (কোন কাজে রাগান্বিত হওয়া): Rahim was angry with me for my having done this.
Concerned for (উদ্বিগ্ন): The parents are concerned for their growing children.
Make of (কোনো উপকরণ দ্বারা সরাসরি তৈরী বোঝাতে): This necklace is made of gold.
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Bring to light (disclose-প্রকাশ করা) The police brought the secret to light.
Burning question - (গুরুত্বপূর্ন বিষয়): Poverty problem is a burning question of our country.
Out of order (বিকল): The elevator was out of order.
Tooth and nail (strongly, প্রবলভাবে)-He fought tooth and nail against his enemy.
White elephant (অত্যন্ত ব্যয়সাপেক্ষ বিলাসিতা): At last the department proved to be a white elephant.